Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another beautiful anchorage

Just off of the bay.  We shared this anchorage (pictues below) with numerous other boaters for a few days last week.  We specifically chose this spot because there's a marina and boatyard there that have a very good reputation for their work and we needed to have our new autopilo installed.  True to their rep. they did a very nice job - leaving us with nothing more than calibrating it which requires a few girations under sail, which we accomplished without too much anquish yesterday morning once we were back out on the bay!

It's amazing how many interesting people you can meet in one small setting.  We talked to an old sailor/gentleman on a very rickety old cattamaran that has sailed from the Chesapeake Bay to the Bahamas and back 31 times!  As you might imagine he is extremely knowledgeable and very willing to impart some of it to anyone interested enough to listen.  We also met a woman about our age who also single-handedly sails her boat and has just returned from spending the winter in the Bahamas - simply amazing!  On the other end of the spectrum, we met a young couple and their dog (from California) on a brand new 40 ft. cattamaran who have taken two years off to "just sail"!

That's just a small sampling of all the people we did meet in just one week but I thought they were by far some of the most interesting.  I can only imagine how many more there will be as we continue making our way around the bay!

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